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Конкурс интернет-открыток на тему halloween!

Конкурс завершен!

Лидирующую позицию (и первое место) заняла Тупикина Арина,
приславшая не только открытку, но и рассказ об истории традиции

History of celebrating Halloween

Halloween - one of the most ancient holidays in the world. In this strange holiday have intertwined the Celtic tradition of celebration of evil ghosts and Christian - worship all sacred.

The history of a holiday totals a Halloween of a millenium, beginning from the Celtic festival Samhejn, the Roman Day of Pomona and Christian Day of all sacred.

Centuries ago the earths of modern Great Britain and northern France occupied the Celtic tribes. They were pagans and as the Supreme god esteemed god of the Sun. Celts divided year on two parts - winter and summer. Within all winter god of the Sun was in a captivity at Samhejna, the lord dead and the prince of darkness.

Festival Samhejna which was celebrated on November, 1st, is time when the winter began. At this time the summer was replaced in the winter, day - at night, life - death, and all barriers between material and supernatural the worlds were eliminated, gate between them opened for one night. At this time all non-realized hopes and plans died came back again to the earth, and their souls went down to homes. Souls of the died could accept different appearances, malicious the most dangerous were installed in animals, and - in cats. This day all evil spirit goes down on the earth. If you very much would like to see a witch, I can recommend one infallible remedy - at midnight go out of doors, having put on backwards, and pass back to front. A pleasant meeting!

In the night from October, 31st for November, 1st druids - spirits of wildlife - gathered in oak groves at tops of hills (Celts considered oaks as sacred trees), lit fires and brought to evil ghosts of a victim, that умилостивить them. And in the mornings druids gave to people coals from the fires that those kindled the centers of the houses. Fire of druids warmed houses within long winter and protected the house from evil spirit.

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